Monday, June 14, 2010

Old dogs, new pics.

As our canine companions reach their august years, we're increasingly forced to confront the inevitable - one day, they'll be making their way to the big doggie country club in the sky.

So before that happens, I thought I should actively try and collect more happy snaps, in the hopes that these 2D (that's '2 Dogs' for those less technically-inclined people) pictures will provide some fond memories for years to come. Today's trip to the park provided just such an occasion.

First order of business during a visit to a park - Ginger always has a roll around. She's been doing this for years, and it started when we first brought her to the beach at Sentosa - it seemed like she had an itch to scratch, but yet she never did it at home.

And when the rolling ends, the sniffing begins. Sniff this, sniff that. Personally, I don't see what the fuss is about...

Sniff off

Lucy always tries to out-sniff Ginger, so much so Lucy always seems anxious to get her next 'snif-fix'.

junkie dog

And despite having spent less time with us than Ginger, Lucy regularly checks in on how we're doing, and is usually the first to beckon when we call.

In the car on the way home, Ginger shares her take on 'Lost' by contributing her own 'eye opening sequence'.

After getting home, she decides to 'lay low'. Usually a good sign of a day well spent.

I found out later, her desire to remain inconspicuous was entirely because she had committed the heinous crime of...

Dog-napping. *cue law & order music*

As punishment, she was made to scrub bowls in the kitchen.

oh no! not more yoghurt!

Trust me, after that gruelling task, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't do it again.

Hope you enjoyed the shots!

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