Monday, June 07, 2010

An abundance of strangeness

It was a strange week last week.

1) It started when I was asked, by an ozzie, to explain an ozzie term, to another person whom I thought was ozzie (turns out she was canadian). The non-understandee was a lawyer, and she wasn't one for nuances. I had to get technical. Let's just say the term 'orifice' was used, and leave it at that.

2) On a short tram ride, I had to explain to a BUNCH of ozzies (obviously country folk) how to insert their tram ticket into the machine. What made it stranger, was that there was a diagram indicating the entry path of the ticket, directly in front of the machine.

3) Then, to top it all off, while driving home across a bridge not 500m from my house, a fox crossed the road in front of me. Yes. Vulpes Vulpes, otherwise known as the red fox.

My new neighbour.
(source: PGC Public Photo Gallery)

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